The History and Evolution of the Rice Purity Test


The Rice Purity Test is a popular self-assessment tool that measures an individual's level of innocence and experience in different areas of life. This test has gained popularity over the years, especially among college students in the United States. But where did the Rice Purity Test come from, and how has it evolved over time? In this article, we will explore the history and evolution of the Rice Purity Test.

The Origins of the Rice Purity Test

The Rice Purity Test was first introduced in the 1980s by Rice University, a private research university located in Houston, Texas. The test was originally developed as a tool for the university's health center to assess the behavior of its students and provide guidance on health-related issues such as sexual activity and substance abuse.

The Evolution of the Rice Purity Test

Over the years, the Rice Purity Test has evolved to become a popular online quiz that is taken by millions of people worldwide. Today, the test consists of 100 multiple-choice questions that cover a wide range of topics such as sexual activity, drug use, and personal behavior.

The Popularity of the Rice Purity Test

The Rice Purity Test has gained significant popularity among college students as a way to compare experiences with their peers. It has also become a source of entertainment and a way to challenge oneself to see how "pure" or "innocent" they are. The test has even spawned a subculture of sorts, with individuals proudly displaying their scores on social media and online forums.

Criticisms of the Rice Purity Test

Despite its popularity, the Rice Purity Test has also faced criticisms. Some argue that the test perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces a culture of shame and guilt around sexual activity. Others argue that the test is not an accurate measure of one's character or behavior and can lead to harmful comparisons and negative self-talk.


The Rice Purity Test has come a long way from its origins as a tool for a university health center. Today, it is a popular online quiz that has gained significant popularity among college students and others. While the test has faced criticisms, it remains a popular way for individuals to assess their level of innocence and experience in different areas of life.

SEO Excerpt

The Rice Purity Test has become a popular online quiz taken by millions of people worldwide, especially among college students. This article explores the history and evolution of the test, its criticisms, and its enduring popularity as a measure of one's level of innocence and experience. Discover the origins of the Rice Purity Test and how it has evolved into a cultural phenomenon that has spawned a subculture of sorts.